Can Barbadian medical practitioners (including those in dentistry) invest in or open a practice in an EC territory under the provisions of the Economic Partnership Agreement between CARIFORUM and the EC (commonly known as the EPA)?

February 09 2012 | Medical and Dental Services

Yes, the EPA allows market access to Barbadian medical and dental practitioners who wish to establish their practices in the EC.

There are a series of general conditions for medical service providers from Barbados in the establishment of businesses in the EC.  They are:

  1. Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia all place limitations on the acquisition of land and real estate.
  2. Estonia, Finland, Italy, Romania and Sweden have requirements of local citizenship or residency of senior management or Board of Directors.
  3. In Poland, there are limitations on the type of business that Barbadian service providers may operate or own.
  4.  Bulgaria, France, Finland and Italy place limitations on the type of investment that Barbadian firms may make, e.g. putting a limit on the maximum percentage for foreign shareholding or voting rights, and the EU in general has limitations on the treatment that is extended to branches and agencies.

The market access for doctors and dentists and others who supply medical services in the EC is subject to the following conditions in the following countries:

Austria: Austria has not made a commitment to allow the supply of these services except for dental services and services supplied by psychologists and psychotherapists.

Germany: In Germany, an economic needs test will be applied when medical doctors and dentists are authorized to treat members of public insurance schemes. The main criterion that will be taken into consideration is whether there is a shortage of doctors and dentists in the given region.

In Finland, there is no commitment to permit the supply of these services.

Latvia: There is an economic needs test that will be applied to Barbadian medical service providers wishing to invest in business in Latvia.  The main criterion is whether there is a shortage of doctors and dentists in the given region.

Bulgaria & Lithuania: The supply of service is subject to authorization which is based on an established health services plan, taking into account the population and already existing medical and dental services.

Slovenia: No commitment for social medicine, sanitary, epidemiological, medical/ecological services; the supply of blood, blood preparations and transplants; and autopsy.

United Kingdom: Establishment/setting up a commercial presence for doctors under the National Health Service is subject to medical manpower planning.