Agreement Establishing The Free Trade Area Between CARICOM And The Dominican Republic

The CARICOM-Dominican Republic was entered into force in December 2001 and is based on reciprocity with the five CARICOM MDCs and non-reciprocity with the LDCs until the year 2005. 

It provides for the asymmetrical application of the reciprocity principle as CARICOM LDCs are not required to reciprocate treatment. In August 2005, it was decided by the CARICOM – DR Joint Council that negotiating groups on Intellectual Property Rights and Services would be established with a view to implementing the built-in agenda component CARICOM- DR FTA.

These trade negotiations has however been deferred until after the completion of the negotiation of a Trade and Development Agreement between CARICOM and Canada.


Organisation CARICOM
Date Posted October 16 2001
File Type pdf
Download Count 1415

Filed Under: CARICOM