May a Barbadian Computer Service firm (as stipulated in the list above) invest in or establish an operation in the EC?
February 09 2012 | Computer and Related Services
Yes. There are no market access restrictions placed on Barbadian firms wishing to invest in or operate in the countries of the EC. There are some general conditions in the following countries that will apply, however:
Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia place limitations on the acquisition of land and real estate, while the following countries impose limitations that require senior management personnel or Directors to have either local citizenship or residency: Estonia, Finland, Italy, Romania and Sweden.
In Poland, there are limitations on the types of businesses that Barbadians may engage in under the EPA while Bulgaria, France, Finland and Italy limit the type of investment e.g. a maximum percentage for foreign shareholding or voting rights allowed by Barbadian nationals.
In the EC in general, there may be limitations placed on the treatment extended to branches and agencies and there are limitations on public utilities.