I am an Independent Computer Services Professional. I’ve been offered a contract to provide computer services to a client in Europe. Does the EPA have provisions for me to travel to the EU to fulfill the contract should I accept it?

February 09 2012 | Computer and Related Services


As an Independent Professional you are allowed under the EPA to travel to Europe to service a contract under the following conditions:


In order to apply for temporary entry, you must be a self-employed Computer Services Provider established here in Barbados (or another CARIFORUM territory), and your contract in Europe may not be for a period longer than 12 months.  You are required to have at least six (6) years of experience in the field and must possess a university degree or equivalent qualification, and professional qualifications where required by law.


As a Barbadian, your temporary entry will be for no more than six (6) months cumulatively during any 12-month period, or for the length of the contract, whichever is less, (This period is 25 weeks in Luxembourg.) and only the work under the contract is permitted during your stay in Europe.  You will not be permitted to perform any other work.


The following countries impose conditions on Independent Computer Services Professionals from Barbados wishing to work in their countries:

In Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia & Sweden there are no market access or national treatment restrictions imposed on Barbadian service providers.  

In Spain, Italy & Poland an economic needs test will be applied for independent professionals, as well as in Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia & United Kingdom.