How about entertainment services providers who are independent operators. Are they allowed to enter into contracts in the EU under the EPA?

November 27 2011 | Entertainment Services

Yes, independent entertainment services providers who have a contract with a client in an EU Member State may travel to these countries to provide services under these conditions:

The person from Barbados applying for temporary entry must be supplying a service and must be a self-employed person established in Barbados, and must have obtained a service contract for a period not exceeding 12 months.

The independent entertainment services provider must possess at least 6 years professional experience in the relevant sector.

The temporary entry will be for a cumulative period not exceeding 6 months (or 25 weeks in Luxembourg) during a 12-month period or for the duration of the contract (whichever is less).

The visa permits only the contracted service activity, no other business activities.

The independent professional in the entertainment services field will also be subject to the following conditions in certain countries:


Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia,  Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden & United Kingdom:  Qualification may be required. Economic needs test will be applied. 

Austria:  Advanced qualification may be required. Economic needs test will be applied.

Slovenia:  The Barbadian professional’s duration of stay is limited to 7 days per event. For circus and amusement park services, the duration of stay is limited to a maximum of 30 days per calendar year.

Belgium: There is no commitment to permit the supply of these services via this form of supply.