Barbados Coalition of Service Industries’ Fishbowl Conversation Series Toolkit: Business Continuity

The BCSI utilizes its Fishbowl Conversation Series as an intervention tool to help address and mitigate the risks involved for businesses in combating this pandemic and to prepare service sector firms for further possible developments of COVID-19 and its possible scenarios. This toolkit serves as an output containing information derived from the Barbados Coalition of Service Industries’ Fishbowl Conversation Webinar Series for entrepreneurs navigating this difficult time.

Each week the BCSI welcomes guest speakers to the Fishbowl Conversations, to lead discussions on how the current COVID-19 Pandemic has affected Service Providers and how they can chart their way forward.

For more information, please contact the BCSI at 429-5357.

Please download here.


Resource Type
Date Posted June 02 2020
File Type pdf
Download Count 633

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