Empowering Women Through Trade and Entrepreneurship Workshop
Presentation1: Marjorie Wharton (Cave Hill School of Business)
"Results of the 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Survey as it pertains particularly to women and entrepreneurship in Barbados and the way forward"
Presentation 2: Nalita Gajadhar, Bureau of Gender Affaris
"Gender, Trade, Challenges, Networking"
Presentation 3: Paula Bourne, BIDC
"Getting your products ready for the export market"
Presentation 4: Lynn Beckels. BPW
"Repositioning Entrepreneurship for women in Barbados"
An oral presentation on Business Plan Developement was delivered by First Citizens Representative, Ms. Arlene Miller and Closing Remarks by Ms. Shardae Boyce.
Resource Type | Presentations |
Date Posted | September 15 2014 |
File Type | file |
Download Count | 1053 |
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