From Europe to Barbados: Anticipating the Competition

The Barbados Private Sector Trade Team (PSTT) has received funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to implement a project entitled and geared towards “providing information on the challenges and opportunities of the CARIFORUM- European Union Economic Partnership Agreement to Business Owners, Managers and Workers.

One of the requirements of the project was to facilitate workshops and roundtable discussions for the manufacturing and services sectors to further the overall objective of the project. The workshop and roundtable discussion for the services sector under the themes, “Service or Disservice: Navigating the Economic Partnership Agreement” and “Balancing the Competitive Elements of the Agreement” respectivelytook place on Monday April 16th, and Monday April 23rd, 2012 in the Conference Room of the BCCI/BEC, Braemar Court, Deighton Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael. Monday April 16th and Monday April 23rd 2012 in the Conference Room of the BCCI/BEC, Braemar Court, Deighton Road, Brittons Hill, St. Michael. 


Resource Type Presentations
Date Posted April 29 2012
File Type pdf
Download Count 1385

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