Trade In Focus Ezine Issue 1

The Barbados Private Sector Trade Team (PSTT) is here to represent the interests of private sector organizations by providing research, communications and capacity-building support in the arena of international trade agreements. As we continue to provide a competitive edge to our stakeholders, we are constantly on the lookout for ways to better serve you. Therefore, we are very excited to introduce our E-ZINE where we provide you with a quarterly snapshot of trade news in the region and the world.

This bulletin is presented as part of the Private Sector Trade Team’s efforts to deliver more current and succinct information to the business community in Barbados. Our articles will provide the latest information on trade and economic developments from around the world, and will focus on those that could impact favourably or negatively on Barbados and the CARICOM region.


Resource Type Newsletters
Date Posted November 30 2011
File Type pdf
Download Count 1690

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