Once granted permission to operate a business in the EU under the terms of the EPA, what types of personnel would be allowed to work at the EU-located business? And how long would they be permitted to live and work in Europe?

February 09 2012 | Medical and Dental Services

Subject, of course, to the normal visa and immigration requirements, the following categories of personnel are allowed for the designated lengths of time:

Generally, the senior Barbadian staff responsible for establishing a commercial presence in Europe may stay for 90 days in any 12-month period. Key personnel will be allowed to work in Europe for a period of up to 3 years, and graduate trainees may stay for one year.

The following chart lists additional conditions that are placed on entry by Barbadians by country:

Czech Republic, Italy & Slovakia: There is a residency requirement to provide these services.

Czech Republic, Estonia, Romania & Slovakia: Authorization by the competent authorities is required for foreign natural persons

Belgium & Luxembourg: For graduate trainees, authorization by the competent authorities is required for foreign natural persons

Bulgaria, Cyprus & Malta: There is a nationality condition for the provision of these services.

Germany: There is a nationality condition for service providers which can be waived on an exceptional basis in cases of public health interest.

Denmark: Limited authorization to fulfill a specific function can be given for maximum 18 months and requires residence.

France: Condition of nationality. However, access is possible within annually established quotas

Latvia: Practice of medical profession by foreigners requires the permission from local health authorities, based on economic needs for medical doctors and dentists in a given region

Poland: Practice of medical profession by foreigners requires the permission from local health authorities. The rights within the professional chambers are limited.

Portugal: There is a residency requirement for psychologists.